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EPDs Made Simple

EPD North America makes publishing Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) straightforward, reliable, automated, and cost-effective for manufacturers and life cycle assessment (LCA) consultants worldwide.

As an EPD Program Operator, EPD North America delivers integrated EPD verification, digital EPD development, and EPD publishing in line with ISO 14025, EN 15804+A2, ISO 21930, ILCD+EPD, OpenEPDTM, and other standards. No hassle. No drama.

Why Choose EPD North America

Compliance and compatibility without compromise.

EPD Creation and Publishing for GSA, LEED, and Buy Clean Programs

EPD North America makes creating and publishing EPDs simple for manufacturers worldwide. EPD North America operates a third-party verified EPD program based on ISO 14025 Type III EPDs, including Facility-Specific EPDs, Industry-Wide EPDs, Product-Specific EPDs, and SKU-Specific EPDs using smart technology that ensures compliance and compatibility without compromising on quality.

Pioneering the Reliability, Speed, and Efficiency of digital EPDs

EPD North America is a pioneer in the development of digital EPDs. Our integrations with EPD generators for industries like concrete and asphalt create a digital end-to-end flow of data to deliver faster, more reliable, and more efficient EPDs at a very affordable cost.

Our smart integrations with OpenEPDTM, ILCD+EPD, CIBSE TM65, ISO 22057, WBCSD Pathfinder, and the Total Carbon Coalition (TCC) enable us to support digital EPD development in a variety of different formats.

Consistent Verification to the Appropriate Standards is Guaranteed

EPD North America provides verification and third-party review of LCAs and EPDs to guarantee consistent quality to the appropriate standards. Third-party verifiers and advanced software are used to support the verification process. Final approval and publication are centralized at EPD North America, in partnership with the International EPD System.

Additionally, EPD North America can assist manufacturers and LCA practitioners with identifying qualified independent verifiers to support the verification process.

What Are You Looking For?

What is an EPD?

An Environmental Product Declaration, or EPD, is a document that transparently communicates the environmental (including carbon footprint) performance or impact of a product or material over its lifetime. EPDs are required by many purchasing organizations, green building standards, and federal procurement standards. EPDs make it possible to compare the impacts of different materials and products in order to select the less impactful option (i.e., purchase a product with a lower carbon footprint). EPDs serve as a consistent and transparent data source used to understand the carbon footprint of purchased products. EPDs are being used as data sources for Scope 3 Emissions Accounting, as part of Scope 3 decarbonization strategies for major corporations, and quickly becoming a core part of building regulations and purchasing requirements worldwide.

How to Create an EPD

Step 1

Find an LCA Provider

Step 2

Choose your Product Category Rule (PCR)

Step 3

Collect your data

Step 4

Verify your EPDs

Step 5

Publish your EPDs

EPD Program Operator Rules

EPD North America is a licensee of the International EPD® System, operated by EPD International AB. EPD International is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified and Accredited to ISO 14025 and 14027. EPD North America is governed by the General Programme Instructions (GPI). For each product category, EPD North America relies on international and domestic Product Category Rules (known as PCRs) as well as ISO 21930 to verify EPD applicability.

Our EPDs can be used to meet USGBC’s LEED Requirements, Buy Clean California, Buy Clean Washington, Buy Clean Colorado, and other state and regional Buy Clean Programs. Our EPDs are also compliant with the Federal Government Buy Clean Act (under GSA) for Asphalt and Concrete. EPD North America supports EPD development in accordance with the Inflation Reduction Act requirements.



Food & Beverage

Consumer Products

Construction & Building Products

Electrical Products

Manufactured Products

Energy Supply

Built Environment Service

EPD North America Verification Process

Step 1


EPD North America reviews the Life Cycle Assessment to confirm the selected Product Category Rule (PCR). PCRs covering many product categories are already available via the PCR Library.

Step 2


EPD North America submits the results of the Life Cycle Assessment and the resulting EPD to an approved independent verifier.

Step 3


Once the verification is completed, the manufacturer confirms that the EPD is ready for publication.

Step 4


EPD North America publishes the EPD to the EPD Library at EPD International.

Step 5


EPD North America provides annual checks to confirm EPDs are up to date.

Recognition of EPDs

EPDs are recognized based on their third-party verification and standards compliance. Some of the common requirements for EPDs and EPD North America are listed below:

What is required from an EPD program operator to be valid under International Standards?

Requirements for EPD programs are defined in the International Standard ISO 14025: Environmental Labels and Declarations. Type III Environmental Declarations. Principles and Procedures.

The key requirements for EPD programs include publishing General Program Instructions, ensuring that requirements for EPDs are followed, establishing procedures for data consistency, publishing EPDs/PCRs and publicly listing them, selecting competent independent verifiers and PCR review panel members, establishing a transparent procedure for PCR review, and more.

​The requirements are spelled out in detail in chapter 6 of the ISO 14025. EPD North America fulfills the requirements to the letter.

​EPD North America’s technical committee is comprised of highly experienced EPD experts including our Managing Director and Board of Advisors. The launch of EPD North America included open consultation among industry experts and a four-month-long review procedure.

​In addition to ISO 14025, EPD North America complies with the following sectoral standards: EN 15804+A2:2019, ISO 21930:2017, EN ISO 14067:2018, and EN 50693:2019.

Regarding mutual recognition, cross-publishing, and national recognition

EPD North America offers mutual recognition and cross-publishing with program operators around the world. EPD North America’s goal is to make it easier for manufacturers to manage EPDs in different markets with different requirements. This includes different EPD requirements within North America, but also different requirements throughout Europe and Asia Pacific regions. EPD North America also offers translation services to publish EPDs in different languages throughout the world.

Regarding digital EPDs or digital transitions

EPD North America is focused on supporting the development of fully digitized EPD production and publishing processes. EPD North America clients can cross-publish EPDs cost-efficiently. EPD North America is focused on accelerating the pace of digitalization through innovative services and smart technological solutions.

EPD North American Organization

EPD North America is advised by an Independent Advisory Board of experienced experts.

The current board members are:

Amlan Mukherjee, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor, Michigan Tech Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering

James Salazar
Director, Coldstream Consulting

Bill Griese
Director of Standards Development and Sustainability Initiatives, Tile Council of North America, Inc.

William Paddock
Co-Founder & Managing Director, WAP Sustainability

Amy Schmidt
Director, American Chemistry Council

Wes Sullens, LEED Fellow
Director of LEED, U.S. Green Building Council

EPD North America also convenes additional committees for tools, PCR development, and verification for respective stakeholders.

Kate McFeaters

Kate McFeaters
Managing Director, EPD North America
Email: katemcfeaters@epdna.com

She serves as the Program Manager and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of EPD North America, including management of the EPD Verification Process and executing the duties set out in ISO 14025.
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